Encrypting a disc

If you are working with a Data Disc project, you can choose to encrypt the files on the disc so that the files can only be accessed by someone entering a password that you select. To decrypt an encrypted disc or file, you must use the Roxio Retrieve application.

To encrypt a disc or file:

Click Encryption.
Creator Classic cc making data discs.3.5.1 Encrypting a disc
Select Enable file encryption (128 bit).
In the Password box, type a password of at least six characters.
In the Re-enter Password box, type the password again.
Caution: Do not lose this password. If it is lost, there will be no way to recover data from the disc. Roxio cannot help you recover data from an encrypted disc when the password has been lost!
Click OK.

Decrypting an encrypted disc or file

Any encrypted disc you created with Creator Classic can only be decrypted to your hard disk using the Roxio Retrieve application.

To start Roxio Retrieve:

Note: If you are retrieving data from an encrypted disc, be prepared to decrypt the disc or files by entering the appropriate password when prompted.
Note: If Auto-run is disabled and the Roxio Retrieve window does not appear, you can manually start Roxio Retrieve by double-clicking the Launch_Retrieve.exe file included on the disc.
See also: 

Encrypting a disc